Butyl webpages content
  • Always by your side

    Learn how we help customers carry on with their production plans, capture potential growth opportunity and mitigate disruptions. Trust built over time, anywhere you are around the world. 

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  • We speak your language

    By leveraging the latest technologies adopted by the industry to assist our customers with their development journey.

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Butyl rubber tutorials

  • Butyl rubber introduction tutorial

    From tires to pharma stoppers, learn about all the butyl-ful applications the Butyl™ rubber is used in.

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    Butyl rubber impermeability / barrier applications tutorial

    Take a journey to learn about air retention, primarily in tires, and how it can apply to many other applications.

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    Butyl rubber and damping tutorial

    Do you know what dampens the vibration on your shoe soles when your shoes touch the ground, or your washing machine? Learn more about Butyl™ rubber in these every day applications.

Air retention matters more for EV

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    How do properly inflated tires affect energy consumption in EV’s?

    Ever wonder if the value of having properly inflated tires has a critical impact on range, energy consumption and tread wear?

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    Real road tests for EV tires inflation pressure

    Join us as we test electric vehicles, to show the effect of tire pressure in a real-world scenario.

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    Evolving trends in fleet efficiency lead back to the basics of tire pressure

    With the advancements in electric vehicles and alternative drive trains, first of its kind tests on EV’s tires air retention (over a longer period of time) demonstrated benefit for tire life.

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    How can halobutyl content in tire innerliner impact air retention, tire life and battery range?

    There is a simple technology to improve the range of the vehicle and reduce energy consumption of the battery.

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    Properly inflated tires make all the difference

    There are several indicators of tire health you should watch for, and the ability for your tire to hold air inside is a key difference.

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    Which transportation sector emits the most CO2 emissions?

    Environmental pressure and fuel efficiency demands force the automotive industry to work to decrease CO2 emissions continuously.

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    Tire air retention matters for battery EV range

    Inflation Pressure Loss Rate (IPLR). IPLR measures the percentage of the air the tire loses per month. Did you know the higher the IPLR, the more energy a vehicle consumes?

  • Butyl webpages content

    Over time tire air retention matters for in-use rolling resistance

    When it comes to reducing the CO2 emissions for road transportation, tire pressure over time is a key factor.

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    USA: The mathematics of CO2 emissions savings with properly inflated tires

    Did you know that a significant amount of CO2 emissions can potentially be saved just by having properly inflated tires? Let’s look at the math.

  • Butyl webpages component

    Europe: The mathematics of CO2 emissions savings with properly inflated tires

    Did you know that a significant amount of CO2 emissions can potentially be saved just by having properly inflated tires? Let’s look at the math.

  • Butyl webpages component

    China: The mathematics of CO2 emissions savings with properly inflated tires

    Did you know that a significant amount of CO2 emissions can potentially be saved just by having properly inflated tires? Let’s look at the math.

Industries and applications

  • When it comes to tires, innerliners can make the difference in fuel efficiency, which can result in a reduction of CO2 emissions.
  • The pharmaceutical industry’s development of new medical drugs and medications calls for a safe delivery of high-quality stoppers.
  • Across many industries, a variety of applications ranging from hoses, adhesives & sealants, sporting leisure, and general rubber goods rely on butyl rubber.