Isopropyl alcohol
ExxonMobil™ isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is a clear, colorless and volatile material with a light odor. It possesses physico-chemical and solvency properties similar to those of ethyl alcohol, making it completely miscible with water and soluble in most organic solvents. ExxonMobil Product Solutions has been a long-term supplier of specialty IPA grades.
ExxonMobil IPA is produced by the indirect hydration of propylene in a multistage process that offers very high product purity and consistent quality. Diisopropyl ether (IPE) is also produced as a byproduct of this IPA production process. The on-site availability of propylene provides IPA customers with a greater level of supply reliability.
Industries and applications
Featured resources
IPA factsheet - The complete solution for fighting viruses and bacteria
Isopropyl alcohol (IPA) is the clear choice for your antiseptic, sanitizing, and disinfectant needs. Whether you’re manufacturing surface disinfectants, hand sanitizers, or alcohol wipes; IPA is fast, safe, and simple as compared with three other common active ingredients.