Electric Vehicle Thermal Management Fluids
Electric vehicles run hot. To manage these high temperatures, formulators of electric vehicle (EV) fluids need to ensure that their products provide:
- Excellent thermal stability
- Heat transfer and cooling capabilities
To cool the electric motor and electronics, equipment builders typically have used a blend of water and ethylene glycol (EG). However, hydrocarbon-based oil has superior dielectric properties compared to water/EG, helping to enable a safer, lighter and more efficient system.
Managing battery temperature
High temperatures can impact the power capacity and lifespan of an EV’s lithium-ion battery. Low temperatures can also undermine battery performance. Without effective thermal management, the battery requires more frequent charging, limiting the EV’s driving range. It also will need to be replaced more quickly.
Some EV manufacturers use an air-cooled approach for the battery, but tests demonstrate that using a fluid offers key advantages.
EV fluid development
To improve heat transfer capabilities in EV fluids, our scientists continue to develop and evaluate new molecules. We provide world-class expertise in synthetic base stocks and lubrication when we collaborate with formulators to help them achieve performance targets through innovative solutions.
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