SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO — low viscosity, low volatility

To help automakers meet their fuel economy and energy efficiency goals, lubricant formulators strive to produce ever lower viscosity oils without compromising performance. Now there’s a solution: groundbreaking SpectraSyn MaX polyalphaolefin (PAO) synthetic base stocks.

Through unprecedented balance of low viscosity and low volatility, SpectraSyn MaX PAO helps deliver step-out performance, including:

  • Fuel economy improvements for lower emissions
  • Energy efficiency for enhanced electric vehicle range
  • Thermal management for e-motor and electronics

Key benefits

Compared to conventional PAO and mineral oil base stocks, SpectraSyn MaX PAO can help provide:
  • Balanced low viscosity and low volatility for improved fuel economy, energy efficiency and durability

  • Improved oxidative stability for long drain intervals

  • Excellent low-temperature properties for enhanced wear protection

  • Enhanced lubricity and traction for clean, efficient performance

Product data

  • SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO fact sheet

    Discover technical details and specifications for SpectraSyn MaX PAO product grades.

  • Webinar

    Discover the performance and formulation advantages of SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO by attending our webinar.

Proven performance

Improved fuel economy

Using a 0W-12 engine oil in Volkswagon fuel economy test PV1496, SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO demonstrates superior fuel economy improvement compared to a Group III+ and a low-viscosity conventional PAO.

Uncompromising balance (LVLV) 

Compared to conventional PAO and mineral-based Group II and Group III base stocks, SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO demonstrates step-out improvement in Noack volatility.

Enhanced oxidative stability

Compared to Group III and Group III+ mineral base stocks and low-viscosity conventional PAO, SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO demonstrates superior oxidative stability, with lower viscosity and Total Acid Number (TAN) change after 192 hours at 170°C (using CEC L48 test method).
In a comparison based on a Toyota 0W-8 test, SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO demonstrates enhanced fuel economy versus formulations using low-viscosity esters.

Greater energy efficiency

In MTM traction tests, SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO demonstrated significantly lower friction coefficient/torque loss compared to Group II+/III+ and conventional PAO blends. This performance can enable improved energy efficiency and fuel economy.
SpectraSyn MaX PAO graph illustrating energy efficiency

Greater formulation flexibility

Formulating low-viscosity grades can be challenging. As the viscosity grade lowers, a “formulation squeeze” is created, offering less opportunity for performance additives. Thanks to its next-generation capabilities, SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO provides greater formulation flexibility.

Key properties

This chart compares the performance properties of SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO with traditional low-viscosity PAO and Group III base stocks. Note that SpectraSyn MaX PAO provides superior balance of low viscosity and low volatility.

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SpectraSyn™ MaX PAO fact sheet

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