Wall covering close-up

Wall covering

The building and construction industry needs to balance a number of trends, including higher performance, increased durability, improved safety, better aesthetics, reduced maintenance, greater energy efficiency, reduced material use and waste, and lower costs.

To meet this challenge we developed diisononyl phthalates (DINP), which offer the balance of processability and performance for a range of wall-covering applications. By creating opportunities for cost savings and improved performance of wall-covering products, DINP is a cost-effective substitute for dioctyl phthalate (DOP) in many flexible PVC applications.

Applications and benefits compared to DOP

  • Significant cost savings (lower plasticizer density)
  • Increased plasticizer retention (lower volatility)
  • Reduced costs (more stable viscosity)
  • Better product performance (lower soapy water extraction)
  • Improved product quality consistency (lower migration)
  • Meets China’s Green Label wall-covering standard (HJ 2502-2010)

Product solutions

  • Close up of DINP Plasticizer treated wood

    DINP plasticizer

    Jayflex™ DINP plasticizer is the largest-volume and preferred general-purpose high-molecular-weight plasticizer for PVC, providing the opportunity for cost savings with a good balance of properties.

    Learn more
  • Dearomatized hydrocarbon solvents

    Exxsol™ fluids maintain good solvency characteristics for a wide variety of applications.

  • White Aerosol Cans

    Synthetic isoparaffins

    Isopar™ solvents are high-purity synthetic isoparaffins with consistent and uniform quality, thanks to selected feedstocks and controlled manufacturing processes. They deliver the narrowest boiling ranges for hydrocarbon fluids.

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Fact sheet: Adjust PVC plastisol viscosity in your application with Isopar and Exxsol fluids

Hydrocarbon fluids may be used to adjust initial viscosity of plastisol when manufacturing wallpaper.  ExxonMobil’s hydrocarbon fluids stabilize the plastisol viscosity, leading to manufacturing efficiency without odor.

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Enhanced wall-covering applications

Jayflex™ DINP offers the balance of processability and performance needed for your wall-covering applications.

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Plasticizer news

Find the latest facts on plasticizer legislation.

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Jayflex™ plasticizers for advantaged performance

Jayflex™ DINP and DIDP are diesters with a chemical structure providing an optimum balance between polar and nonpolar groups. Key characteristics of the plasticizer are very slow diffusion and outstanding permanence derived from two high-molecular-weight branched alcohol chains.

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