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Full polyethylene (PE) laminated solutions for packaging with sustainability benefits

Stand-up pouches and other consumer packaging are frequently made of laminates - multi-material structures that can provide excellent shelf- appeal & machinability. Unfortunately, these highly optimized multi-material structures can be more difficult to recycle. Finding a solution to these multi-material structures without compromising package functionalities (such as oxygen barrier, shelf-appeal, etc.) is very challenging. At ExxonMobil we believe that collaborations with the entire value chain are crucial to finding solutions to these challenges.

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*Recyclable in communities that have programs and facilities in place that collect and recycle these items.
**With full PE meaning at least 95% polyethylene, allowing for inks and adhesives.

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Key potential benefits

PE laminated films composed of Exceed™ S, Exceed™ XP, Exceed™ and Enable™ performance PE polymers and Exact™ plastomers offer:
*Recyclable in communities that have programs and facilities in place that collect and recycle these items.