Looking for plasticizer - feeding dog photo

Looking for a general purpose plasticizer?

Jayflex™ plasticizers show superior performance in the key requirements for a general purpose plasticizer. Jayflex plasticizers exhibit low volatile losses and high gelation, are cost competitive, are available globally and have a longstanding record of safety in use and wide toxicological review.


Need a companion? Choose wisely! >      How do DINP and DIDP perform? >      What does it mean for your application? >
Plasticizer companion - group of dogs photo

Need a companion? Choose wisely!

Looking for the right partner for your PVC? 

Make sure there is chemistry between the two.
Have a look at the pros and cons of the potential partners.
DINP, DIDP performance - dog - photo

How do DINP and DIDP perform?



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What does it mean - store shelves photo

What does it mean for your application?

Select an application and find out which plasticizer works

=  benchmark
+  advantage
-  disadvantage     
Based on ExxonMobil tests and assessments and published literature

Select a plasticizer and find out how it performs versus DINP1

=  benchmark
+  advantage
-  disadvantage     
Based on ExxonMobil tests and assessments and published literature.
What does it mean overview table - English

DINP and DIDP1 plasticizers offer the broadest range of use and performance 

1 ExxonMobil commercializes DINP and DIDP under the brand Jayflex™ 
2 DINCH is a trademark of BASF

High performances

Jayflex™ plasticizers excel at balancing high performances.
  • Fundamentals of Jayflex plasticizers - wet dog

    Fundamentals of plasticizers

    Plasticizers bring flexibility to PVC applications. They also attract misconceptions across the value chain. There are indeed similarities, but the truth is that plasticizers can also be fundamentally different!

  • Plasticizer regulations - toy car photo


    Which plasticizer began its regulatory journey back in the 1980s and continues to be found safe for all current applications by regulatory agencies?

  • Plasticizers child with rubber ducks photo

    What about "non-phthalates"?

    ExxonMobil patented DOTP (DEHT) as early as 1953. Because of its poor compatibility with PVC, the company decided not to commercialize it and shifted its focus to other, more reliable solutions.

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