Plasticizers child with rubber ducks photo

What about "non-phthalates"?

ExxonMobil patented DOTP (DEHT) as early as 1953. Because of its poor compatibility with PVC, the company decided not to commercialize it and shifted its focus to other, more reliable solutions. This resulted in the development of Jayflex™ DIDP and DINP plasticizers.


Squeak or leak? >      "Non-phthalate" does not mean "eco-friendly" >      You can't teach an old dog new tricks >

Plasticizers squeak toy photo

Squeak or leak?

Which plasticizers make your PVC squeak with joy?

Toy ducks are fun: they float on water and squeak.
But beware of ducks containing plasticizers with poor PVC compatibility: they don’t squeak, they leak!
Which plasticizers produce squeakers and which produce leakers?
1 ExxonMobil commercializes DINP and DIDP under the brand Jayflex™
2 DINCH is a trademark of BASF
3 The American Society for Testing and Materials loop test (ASTM D3291-74) observes plasticizer compatibility with PVC during compression and while under tensile stress.
Plasticizers not eco friendly girls photo

“Non-phthalate” doesn’t mean “eco-friendly”

A few data points

  • If focusing on the manufacturing process, DOTP (DEHT) simply takes more time to produce than DINP1.The esterification of the alcohol used runs 2 to 3 times slower2.
  • From cradle (crude oil extraction) to gate (product at plant), DINCH3 takes more energy to produce as it requires an additional manufacturing step vs. DINP with associated hydrogen sourcing and consumption.
  • An ISO 14-040-44 compliant study provides a detailed picture about the potential environmental impacts of DINP from cradle to gate. Results of the study are presented in the eco-profile and environmental product declaration report, which is regarded as up-to-date high quality environmental data of European DINP production. This data is often used as a building block for Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) studies involving end use applications.
These facts represent pieces of the overall puzzle…

1 ExxonMobil commercializes DINP under the brand Jayflex™ 
2 manufacturing process using 2-EH alcohol with PTA compared to process using PAN 
3 DINCH is a trademark of BASF

Product life cycle

Plasticizer life cycle graphic - English
To fully understand the environmental impact of a particular product, the entire life cycle needs to be considered: without data to support the claim, saying DOTP (DEHT) is “eco-friendly” is not accurate.
Plasticizers old dog, new tricks photo

You can’t teach an old dog new tricks

DOTP (DEHT) was developed in 1949 and patented in 1953 by ExxonMobil but never commercialized for a good reason.

Because of its poor compatibility with PVC, the company decided NOT to commercialize DOTP (DEHT) and shift its focus to other, more reliable solutions. This resulted in the development of Jayflex™ DIDP and DINP plasticizers.

Same old dog, no new tricks.
DOTP research timeline graphic - English
  • Fundamentals of Jayflex plasticizers - wet dog

    Fundamentals of plasticizers

    Plasticizers bring flexibility to PVC applications. They also attract misconceptions across the value chain. There are indeed similarities, but the truth is that plasticizers can also be fundamentally different!

  • Looking for plasticizer - feeding dog photo

    Looking for a general purpose plasticizer?

    Jayflex™ plasticizers show superior performance in the key requirements for a general purpose plasticizer.

  • Plasticizer regulations - toy car photo


    Which plasticizer began its regulatory journey back in the 1980s and continues to be found safe for all current applications by regulatory agencies?

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